
The article examines a statistical method for estimating the parameters of models with an adaptive structure, which are represented as a mixture of random variables with an unknown distribution law. The adaptive structure model is more flexible to changes in input data, allows for the influence of variations in the chosen exogenous feature on the value of the endogenous parameter, and analytically reflects these changes in the structure. Statistical models with adaptive structure are widely applicable, but their construction algorithm, qualitative analysis of these models for individual management and economic problems, has not been thoroughly investigated. The choice of the analytical form of the model is based on prior statistical processing of stochastic, multidimensional information, characterized by the presence of qualitative, descriptive features. Qualitative features significantly affect the analytical structure of relationships between variables and can cause unpredictable variations in model parameters. The structural form of the model assumes the division of the set of parameters into two independent vectors - exogenous and endogenous variables, but for most economic problems, such a distribution is not possible, and we can only observe the result of the simultaneous action of all factors on the resulting feature. Thus, the choice of the structural form of the model is limited by the possibility of classifying the parameter vector. In addition, the set of parameters of the adaptive structure model includes indicative variables that reflect the variation of one or more qualitative features. The application of Markov chain theory simplifies the modeling process into a step-by-step algorithm. The choice of the sequence of steps of the structural model algorithm is determined by the problem statement and the possibility of statistical parameter estimation. If parameter estimation is possible, then using known methods, a decision rule can be formulated according to which the set of parameters will be divided into classes. If the initial stage of model construction is the classification of the parameter vector, then the distribution function estimates in classes will be estimates of model parameters. Analytically, the distribution function of the set of parameters can be represented as a parametric mixture of random variables of two classes, the distribution of which is not known.


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How to Cite
Debela, I. (2023). STATISTICAL ESTIMATES OF PARAMETERS OF MODELS WITH ADAPTIVE STRUCTURE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 288-293.