Keywords: alternative, criteria, vector of priorities, relation T. Saati, method of analysis of hierarchies, fuzzy set, decision making


It is rather problematic to approximate the real decision management process with a mathematical model. Most decisions in the economy are complex in structure, multi-criteria tasks containing a set of descriptive, probabilistic, undefined characteristics. Such problems are solved by methods of system analysis. One of these methods is the method of analyzing hierarchies, which is used for models of personnel management, resource allocation, and evaluation of investment projects. The possibility of practical application of the method of analysis of hierarchies is limited by the requirement of complete certainty of alternative evaluations. Practical situations are characterized by uncertainty and limited information about the object or the decision-making process. Combining a systems approach with elements of fuzzy logic can correct this situation for the better. System models developed on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets use the method of paired comparisons to rank management objects by factors and determine the importance of factors within the model. The article examines the algorithm for the synthesis of the vector of weighting coefficients of alternative decisions based on the matrix of pairwise comparisons with fuzzy estimates of alternatives. The possibility of combining elements of the theory of fuzzy sets and the method of analysis of hierarchies for the problem of decision-making is considered.


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How to Cite
Debela, I. (2023). ALGORITHM OF FUZZY PRIORITIES FOR ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 262-267.