Keywords: experts in the economic sphere, self-assessment, professional competence, personality, competence approach, self-concept


The article examines the main role of professional competence in the process of professional training of future specialists in the economic sphere; the status of an individual, which is important for determining his social functions-roles. The concept of "self-esteem" is analyzed as a process of generation of assessments, a system of mental phenomena that is involved in the implementation of the assessment function, as the place and role of "stamped" assessments in the process of thinking, self-realization of activities, formation and functioning of self-esteem as a personal property or trait. It was established that, taking this into account, there are currently no comprehensive ideas about the essence and mechanisms of the evaluation process, about the structure of the evaluation act, about the specificity of evaluations of various types and their classification, about the conditions for the formation of self-evaluation. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the main components of the system of formation of personal and professional self-evaluation of specialists in the economic profile, which is based on a competence approach and is aimed at ensuring the professional readiness of the economist for professional activity. It is noted that self-esteem is a special assessment of the individual himself, his capabilities, qualities and place among other people. It is an important component of personality, self-esteem depends on the relationship of an economic expert with colleagues, clients, his criticality, self-demandingness, attitude to successes and failures. It is emphasized that self-esteem affects the efficiency of a specialist's activity and his development as an individual. Self-esteem can be general and private (or specific): general self-esteem reflects a person's holistic attitude towards himself, his self-acceptance. With the normal development of the personality of an economic specialist, the general self-esteem should always be positive. This gives the specialist self-confidence and self-respect. Negative overall self-esteem leads to self-rejection, an inferiority complex, passive, inhibited behavior or, on the contrary, aggressiveness and bitterness; private self-esteem reflects a person's attitude to the results of any professional activity. Discrepancies between a specialist's real capabilities and his self-assessment can lead to serious personal problems. When self-esteem is high, failure in economic activity leads to emotional outbursts, resentment, and refusal of activity. Low self-esteem leads to anxiety, self-doubt, passivity. Self-esteem is also reflected in the assessment of the capabilities and results of other people's activities. With overestimated self-esteem, the specialist belittles the achievements of others, and with underestimation, on the contrary, he excessively exceeds them.


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How to Cite
Varnavska, I. (2023). FORMATION OF PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SELF-ESTEEM OF SPECIALISTS IN THE ECONOMIC SPHERE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 9-16.