The volume of the advertising and communication market of Ukraine for 2019–2021 is analyzed in the article. It is established that in general, the volume of the advertising media market of Ukraine in 2021 increased by almost 27%, which is a positive trend. It is determined that ATL-advertising should include such tools of communicative influence as television, radio, press, cinema, outdoor advertising, Internet. In turn, BTL-advertising includes sales promotion, merchandising, Digital media, print distribution, event marketing, and guerrilla marketing. The tools of communicative influence on target audiences are divided into ATL- and BTL-advertising groups and the ways of their realization are determined. The matrix of distribution of channels of communicative influence is constructed. It is established that advertising channels should be chosen not only on the principle of which of them is more expensive or cheaper. The main criterion for their selection and formation of business promotion strategy, in general, is the purpose of the advertising campaign. Thus, it is possible to conclude that there may not be too many advertising channels, but only a specialist can assess the stage of the business, how to stand out from the competition and how to combine different ways of communicating with your target audience. It is important to remember that customer engagement methods are constantly changing, so the communication needs to continue. Finding and implementing current trends will definitely lead to the desired result. Analysis of the volume of the advertising and communication market of Ukraine for 2019–2021 allows concluding that the total volume of the domestic advertising media market increased by 25.36%. The author distributes the tools of communicative influence on target audiences into ATL and BTL-advertising groups and ways of their implementation. Further research is planned to investigate current trends in the field of PR and communications and identify the most effective of them in today’s market conditions.
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