Keywords: Agile, Waterfall, project management, flexible methodologies, adaptive management, flexible planning system


This article discusses project management strategies in the field of software development in detail. Features of flexible and cascade methodologies are highlighted, positive and negative aspects of each of them are analyzed. Significant differences between the studied alternative methods of organizing IT projects are revealed, the possibilities of their application are considered, taking into account the criteria proposed by the authors. The need to improve the organizational culture, implement the principles of adaptive management and use flexible planning systems for the development of economic entities is argued. During the study, the positive aspects of the Agile methodology were revealed, including effective communication between project team members, active promotion of changes and improvements in the field of product development, quick delivery of results and operational testing of finished versions of the product during short iterations, as well as reduction of project risks due to receiving feedback communication and flexibility in implementing changes to the project, as well as direct involvement of the customer in the work process. The characteristics of projects as an environment for the implementation of modern project management methodologies have been determined. Especially in the context of digital transformation, when technology and competition are rapidly developing, agile methodologies such as Agile and Scrum are becoming key to successful project management. The implications of digital transformation, particularly working with big data, are indeed making agile methodologies more popular as they allow businesses to effectively adapt to rapidly changing environments. It is shown that the popularity and application of the Scrum IT project management framework is true. Scrum has numerous advantages and positive characteristics that make it an effective tool for project management in various fields, in particular in IT. The hybrid approach we noted, where companies combine elements of different methodologies according to their needs, shows that flexibility and adaptability are key factors in project management. In this context, understanding and taking into account the specifics of each project becomes an important aspect for the successful implementation of project management methodologies.


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How to Cite
Loboda, O., & Kyrychenko, N. (2024). MAIN CHARACTERISTICS AND ANALYSIS OF MODERN METHODS OF ORGANIZING IT PROJECTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 249-257.

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