Keywords: algorithm, alternative, priority vector, fuzzy set, membership function, multiplicative function, synthesis


Expert judgments and fuzzy set theory are two different concepts of systems analysis, but their combination improves the mathematical tool of multi-criteria analysis of decision-making problems. The method of expert evaluations belongs to the class of partially formalized methods based on the use of intuition and experience of decision-makers. The multi-criteria nature of the decision-making problem is manifested in the search for an alternative that simultaneously satisfies the constraint and optimizes the vector quantity, the elements of which correspond to the objective functions of the problem. The choice of the optimal alternative, in most cases, is also ambiguous and is based on subjective, undefined information about the object of decision-making, or selection criteria that do not have quantitative assessments. In this case, it can be said that the decision-making process is fuzzy. Multiplicative Function Method is one of the approaches to modeling fuzzy systems, problems related to fuzzy inference, or fuzzy model description. The purpose of the work is to study the possibility of combining the theory of fuzzy sets with a deterministic algorithm for a multi-criteria decision-making problem.


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How to Cite
Debela, I. (2024). EXPERT ASSESSMENTS IN DECISION-MAKING PROBLEMS: THE METHOD OF MULTIPLICATIVE FUNCTIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 234-240.