Keywords: professional image of a teacher, structural components of professional image, essence of professional image, state educational standards, professional standard of a teacher


The article considers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of professional image and its structure. It is worth analysing it as a ‘purposefully formed image’, as an ‘image-presentation’. The most common definitions of image are ‘stereotype’, ‘multidimensional phenomenon’, ‘socio-psychological education’, ‘personality quality’, ‘integrative set of presentations’, ‘self-image’, ‘expression of people's expectations’. It is noted that the concept of ‘image’ is interpreted quite broadly and controversially, researchers explain this phenomenon through a social emotionally coloured image formed in the process of subject-subject interaction and symbolically fixing certain information about the subject, which is a prologue to the formation of authority; a spontaneously formed socio-psychological phenomenon that is consciously formed, manifested in the process of self-presentation of the subject and existing in the form of two interrelated parties: subjective and objective, positively interconnected with social identity, self-esteem, level of claims - attitude; a set of basic qualities and professional competences, including characteristics of a high level of professionalism and special activities of the subject to create it. It has been determined that the professional image of a teacher is formed on the basis of the opinion about him/her as a specialist in the educational environment, therefore, communicative, social and professional components are quite important in the structure. Since professional image is a personal type of image, personal components of the image are relevant for it. These components undergo minor changes over the course of life relative to others and may prevail over others, ensuring stability and sustainability of personality traits, behaviour, and activities. It is noted that the professional component begins to form simultaneously with professionally oriented personality characteristics, but it can be minimally represented in the image with the help of the formed professionally oriented personality structures, and even practical knowledge, skills, abilities. Therefore, the professional component is not active in the formation of an individual image, but it is an essential characteristic of a professional image. The social aspect of the image characterises the social place and behaviour of a person in society. It includes social (public) status, social roles, behavioural patterns, as well as social and material environment, lifestyle, and main social contacts.


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How to Cite
Varnavska, I., & Chepok, R. (2024). THE MAIN FACTORS OF THE TEACHER’S PROFESSIONAL IMAGE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 228-233.