Keywords: alternative, system, operational model, risk identification, state, hierarchical algorithm


The main purpose of creating an operational model is to ensure the synchronization of the organization's strategy and operational functions. The algorithm of the operating system can be represented as a hierarchical sequence of optimization processes aimed at achieving the final goal - value chain map. The operating system of an individual organization has its own process and parametric features that distinguish it from others. The risk factors will reflect these differences and the methods of their prediction and compensation should also be adapted to the specifics of the operating systems. It is impossible to optimize the operating model, to ensure the economic stability of the organization, ignoring objective and subjective sources of risks. Exclusion of risk parameters of operational processes directly affects the overall efficiency of the operational system, reduces uncertainty and unwanted fluctuations in the quality indicators of the operational model. The article examines the hierarchical algorithm of risk identification in the operational model of the organization.


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How to Cite
Debela, I. (2024). THE ALGORITHM OF RISKS IDENTIFICATION IN THE OPERATING MODEL. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 215-220.