Keywords: enterprise image management, image, enterprise internal and external image management, corporate culture, formation of a positive enterprise image


The article considers the factors of a positive image, which enables the enterprise to ensure the growth of trustworthiness and support of partners, employees, customers, authorities and mass media. Successful image-building activities should be managed, therefore, image management can be carried out both at the level of a special public relations unit and at the level of enterprise management. It is noted that the head of the enterprise must unite the efforts of all divisions of his enterprise and coordinate their activities with external communication in order to form a positive image. A brief description of the models of change called "Guide", "Reformer", "Philosopher" and "Commander" is offered. The choice of a certain approach or its combination depends on the size of the enterprise, its history, and even on the management style of the management. It was determined that in the process of image research, depending on the method of execution, it is necessary to take into account the factor of authenticity and reliability of information. The wider and more powerful the survey, the more specific and reliable the information will be. It has been proven that the questionnaire method is characterized by the lowest level of reliability, since it is not excluded that the majority of respondents may give invented answers to the questions in the questionnaires. Information about your company can be obtained in parts, which also refers to research methods. In particular, repeated information from social networks, special programs or sections dealing with the comparison, tasting or testing of goods. Quantitative methods in image research make it possible to obtain: associative profile, dominant properties in associative perception of the enterprise, dynamic process of image indicators, ranking of choice motives. It is emphasized that it is necessary to analyze the image almost always, both in case the company does not have an image and when starting a campaign to develop a new image. Powerful work should be carried out even with a well-formed image, because with the passage of time or as a result of certain circumstances related to the enterprise, the image is subject to obsolescence or may deteriorate. In the fight for a client, a competitor will not stand still, but will try to strengthen its position by studying the market and its place in it.


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How to Cite
Varnavska, I. (2024). THE MAIN FACTORS OF IMAGE MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 208-214.