Keywords: agroscouting, development, agriculture, management


The article is dedicated to the pressing issue of enhancing agriculture through the implementation of agroscouting – an innovative approach that combines modern technologies and professional training. The paper analyzes the state of agroscouting development in Ukraine in 2021, highlighting key aspects of agroscouts' training and their role in agriculture. The research considers initiatives originating from Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University and other educational institutions. Additionally, the article explores the interaction between agroscouting and contemporary economic and technological challenges, discussing future prospects and directions for the development of this innovative field. The research findings can serve as a foundation for formulating strategic approaches to agroscouting development in Ukraine and other countries aimed at improving the efficiency and sustainability of agro-industrial production. Agroscouting significantly contributes to the technological evolution of agriculture, employing drones, remote sensors, artificial intelligence, and geoinformation systems for data collection and analysis. This enhances decision-making throughout various stages of production, ensuring efficiency and precision in actions. One of the key outcomes of implementing agroscouting is the increased crop yield and resilience of agricultural crops. Thanks to high-precision data and analysis, agronomists and farmers can make informed decisions regarding field processing schedules, optimal irrigation, and comprehensive plant care. Equally important is the integration of agroscouting with other sectors such as information technology, biotechnology, and ecology. Collaboration with these domains becomes a crucial factor in creating complex and sustainable agricultural systems aimed at optimizing production processes and reducing environmental impact.


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How to Cite
Averchev, O., Zhosan, H., & Bakun, Y. (2024). THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF AGROSCOUTING IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 11-19.