Keywords: financial stability, financial condition, data analysis, factor analysis, authorized capital, debt capital


Financial stability is defined on the one hand as an indicator of the current financial condition of the organization, and on the other hand, it serves to forecast the prospects of business development and its future stability. This is a key indicator of the effectiveness of financial and economic activity and management decision-making. The process of economic and statistical analysis of financial stability should be organized in such a way that users can get an objective assessment of the organization's development prospects, take measures to strengthen financial stability, correct its level and assess the risks of investing in the company and its lending. This article examines and summarizes the methods and approaches used during economic and statistical analysis of the financial stability of economic entities. The sequence of analysis of financial stability indicators is described, their interrelationship is revealed, and the efficiency of economic and statistical analysis is evaluated. The methodology of this analysis can be explained using the methodology of financial analysis with the main emphasis on the capital structure. Qualitative analysis helps to determine the probabilistic nature of changes in this phenomenon and to decide whether correlational methods should be used. It also reveals dependencies in the analyzed population, establishes cause-and-effect relationships and distinguishes between endogenous and exogenous variables, identifies relationships between different parameters, and presents them in the form of different types of curves. The level of financial sustainability is analyzed, which is a complex concept that cannot be assessed without a deep understanding and analysis of the entire process of extended reproduction. The methodology of economic and statistical analysis of financial stability includes a system of indicators that can be evaluated both by quantitative and qualitative characteristics. Therefore, financial sustainability is a complex concept that cannot be assessed without a deep understanding and analysis of the entire process of extended reproduction. The study of the capital structure requires an analysis of the reasons for the change in one's own sources of capital and the search for possible ways to replenish them, which involves an assessment of the effectiveness of all financial and economic activities.


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How to Cite
Loboda, O., & Kyrychenko, N. (2023). METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSING FINANCIAL STABILITY OF ENTERPRISE BASED ON ECONOMIC-STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 114-121.

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