Keywords: innovation, business model, Internet technologies, electronic commerce, company


інноваціїThe article is devoted to the study of business models that can be significant due to the use of unknown new approaches to the organization of one's business. The work offers the basics of an innovative business model, the main types of e-commerce business models are adopted, and their detailed functions are provided. The components and specific features of the business models of individual world leaders were determined. The article is dedicated to entrepreneurs and researchers in the field of innovation in the digital economy. The special functions of the practical use of the most important business models of innovations of companies using Internet technologies are studied. Considered an organization that must constantly improve its business processes and is constantly looking for the best business models to increase competitiveness and revenue. The special functions of the practical use of the most important business models of innovations of companies using Internet technologies have been studied. It has been shown that since the relationship with consumers can be maintained for a long time and the volume of business is much larger than before, you do not need to rely on the traditional method of paying the customer for each individual service. Initially, some services may be provided when attracting new customers, and then receive some profit at the expense of other services. Such changes in the information model of consumer services have stimulated many innovations and offered many different opportunities for business. The era of mobile Internet, large amount of data and artificial intelligence is an irresistible trend for today. It is proven that the organization must constantly improve its business processes and is constantly looking for the best business models to increase competitiveness and income. It is shown that there is a new form of innovation that differs from product or technological innovation. A business model can be characterized as a complete system of products/services and information flows, including each participant in the relationship and their role in it, as well as the potential benefits of individual and relevant sources.


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How to Cite
Loboda, O., & Kyrychenko, N. (2023). ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS MODELS IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 172-179.

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