The article considers one of the effective methods of forming professional competence in students of higher education institutions - interactive technologies. The advantages of interactive teaching methods for professional training of students in the field of economic disciplines are analyzed, the following priorities are identified: students learn new material as active participants in the learning process; future specialists acquire skills of modern information processing technologies; the ability to independently study and analyze legislative and regulatory documents, track changes made to them; efficiency and relevance of the received information. Professional competencies imply certain knowledge and skills of the student in a particular field, which are aimed at further professional development of the future specialist and the ability to make the right decisions based on the situation. The purpose of the study is to substantiate and highlight the effectiveness of the use of interactive technologies for teaching economic disciplines. Interactive technologies are a number of pedagogical methods that provide the necessary educational effect by involving students in joint activities with the teacher according to the rules and conditions. Research methods were used in the work: definition of basic methods and concepts used in vocational training, as well as the use of logical methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization to build deductive and inductive conclusions, observation, testing. The business game copies various aspects of human activity and social interaction. It is a method of effective learning, as it removes the contradictions between the abstract nature of the subject and the real nature of professional activity. The practical value is that fragments of classes with the use of adapted interactive forms of education have been developed, which will allow forming students’ knowledge of the discipline “Business Economics” at the highest level. In the process of developing and conducting classes using interactive technologies (case method and business game), all participants are involved in the learning process, actively working on solving tasks. The interactive technologies implemented during the organization of classes contribute to the fact that students acquire the necessary professional competencies that will be useful to them in their future profession.
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