Keywords: parametric base, information, endogenous parameters, descriptive parameters, conditionally controlled parameters, criterion features, state of nature, mathematical model


The difficulties of practical implementation of mathematical modeling in economics are associated with the provision of models with high-quality structured primary information – the input parametric basis of modeling. The accuracy, completeness and validity of the input information are the determining criteria in determining the methods and algorithms of modeling. Economics, as an object of modeling, has all the features of a complex system with complex interactions between components and not always predictable external influences of other systems. The model of such systems contains a large number of unpredictable characteristic parameters with structurally indeterminate relationships. An important feature of complex systems is their emergence – the appearance in the system of properties that are not characteristic of its components and as a result, not the ability to represent the general properties of the system as an arithmetic sum of the properties of its elements. Mathematical model of a complex system is considered as a set of models of structural elements, a formalized description of the relationships between them, taking into account the impact of external systems on the internal organization and behavior of the system as a whole. The level of complexity of the system is determined by the number of structural elements, the relationships between these elements, as well as the nature of the flow of the environment. The model of a complex system requires a comprehensive study, application of various theories, approaches, tools and methods of mathematical modeling. It is not possible to satisfy all the requirements with a single "universal" model, it is necessary to create a whole set of models of one object of study, each of which most effectively solves a separate problem. There is a need to develop a set of rules, approaches that will reduce the cost of model development, reduce the likelihood of "gross errors", which level the modeling process itself as a method of decision making. If the object of modeling is the decision-making process based on the analysis of essentially stochastic, multidimensional information, then there is a need to create algorithms for structuring the information base of parameters, which is a cumulative characteristic of the current state, behavior, conditions and efficiency of the object. The aim of the article is to study the methods of formalizing the parameters of decision-making models.


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How to Cite
Debela, I. (2021). FORMALIZATION OF PARAMETERS OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS OF DECISION MAKING. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (10), 143-148.