The primary task of the manager from any agricultural formation is to establish relationships with his subordinates by stimulating them and forming in the employees such a system of motives that would contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Employees of the organization by their work form its profit and therefore, in the form of remuneration, should receive their share from it. This can be done through receipt of dividends, participation of employees in the authorized capital or indirectly through contributions to social, pension funds, etc. This should be reflected, for example, in the compensation package. However, the compensation package must include both benefits, benefits and social benefits that improve the quality of working life and improve the well-being of employees. Part of the social package is legally defined. The set of optional social benefits in the social package of each agro-formation must be determined by its strategic goals. It is found that the main factors that motivate Ukrainian workers are: high wages, fair treatment of employees and fear of losing their jobs, and as part of the compensation package, workers of domestic agricultural companies most want to see: health insurance, bonuses, and professional re-training. At present, there are very few domestic agricultural companies that pay their workers with dignity and fairness. If nothing is changed, the able-bodied rural population will go abroad and work on the land will be for no one. Employers should pay attention to the need to provide workers with various benefits. In order to create an effective mechanism of motivation in accordance with legal, tariff, contractual and voluntary commitments, domestic agricultural companies must guarantee their employees payment of wages, as well as providing them with additional compensation, granting them certain social benefits and payments. This is a very important point in motivating employees because money helps to attract and retain employees, but will never guarantee 100% commitment to the organization.
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