Keywords: mathematical model, demand function, supply function, equilibrium, empirical data, linear relationship


The paper investigates the limiting (potential) possibilities of obtaining the maximum total income of the seller in the free market of many goods with the subsequent synthesis of the optimal deterministic strategy for supplying goods to the market. The market process consists of many acts of exchange of goods and services. Each such act involves a seller, on whose side there is a supply of goods, and a buyer, represented by a demand for goods. Of course, supply and demand are closely related and continuously interacting categories and serve as a link between production and consumption. The result of the interaction of supply and demand is the equilibrium price. It characterizes the state of the market in which the volume of demand is equal to the supply. To determine the point of market equilibrium and study the dynamics of commodity prices in the process of market transition from some no equilibrium to equilibrium is considered, in addition to demand lines, the criterion of optimal behavior of the seller in the market. This criterion, obviously, should be based on the fact that the seller seeks, on the one hand, to meet the needs of the buyer in each of the goods, and on the other hand - to ensure maximum profit. According to this criterion, the market will provide optimal prices for goods at any, including optimal, sizes of deliveries of goods to the market. The construction of a nonlinear dynamic mathematical model of a free market for goods is proposed, in which a balance is made between supply and demand, taking into account the purposefulness of each market participant. To achieve this goal, the paper analyzes the theory and problems of market modeling. The supply-demand model is built in accordance with a system of recommendations for economic behavior in the market, and is represented by a nonlinear problem of mathematical programming. By combining mathematical models of supply and demand, the mathematical model of the market solves the issue of purposefulness of market participants in the aggregate. Its solution is based on the normalization of criteria and the principle of a guaranteed result. The methodology for modeling the market, taking into account the functions of supply and demand, includes setting a problem, building a model and directly forecasting.


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How to Cite
Bilousova, T. (2021). MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE OPTIMAL MARKET. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (8), 70-75.