The article is devoted to the study of the current state of consulting in agribusiness and determination of the directions of its development. It is substantiated that permanent transformations taking place in almost all sectors of the economy cause serious problems in the labor market. The competencies required for successful competition in the labor market are constantly changing, which requires employees to constantly update their skills and knowledge. In such conditions of permanent accelerated aging of the competencies of personnel of enterprises and institutions, it is consulting structures that are able to contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the competitiveness of business entities. It is noted that the subjects of consulting activities are audit firms; law firms specializing in consulting; other highly specialized consulting structures (technological, marketing, advertising, etc.). It is proved that the specific and most relevant form of consulting services for agribusiness is advisory services. Advisory services specialize in consulting on a wide range of issues, and most of these services are free of charge for the client - an agricultural enterprise. The functioning of extension services is traditional in most developed countries. Clients of agricultural extension services in foreign countries are traditionally small agricultural enterprises that need advice on financial and business analysis, implementation of innovations, etc. When providing extension services in developed countries, a significant emphasis is placed on ensuring long-term well-being. It is emphasized that the provision of extension services in Ukraine is carried out on the basis of a certificate valid for five years, and for the extension of which it is necessary to undergo advanced training by an advisor. It is noted that, in accordance with the State policy of ensuring modern conditions for the development of agribusiness, it is positive that the costs of consulting services can be covered by State funding. However, in practice, agricultural enterprises mostly do not use this. Therefore, the expediency of developing and implementing measures to popularize advisory services both among agribusinesses and rural residents is substantiated. Prospect for further research is the problem of organization and methodological support of consulting for the development of small agribusiness in the conditions of an innovative economy.
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