Keywords: management, personnel, pandemic, martial law, leader


The article highlights the factors influencing personnel in 2021-2022 and the criteria by which you can determine whether the company is ready to manage personnel in the post-pandemic, martial law and possible macroeconomic consequences. The aim of the article is to substantiate and develop recommendations for managers on the management of workers in the post-pandemic and martial law. Among the actions that should be constantly implemented in business as a result of quarantine and then martial law tests should be identified: determining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law on employees of the organization and, accordingly, business in general; ensuring the protection of workers and their families while maximally protecting businesses from the short- and long-term effects of pandemics and martial law; formation of personnel management tactics in the conditions of global and national macroeconomic and social changes; lightning response in conditions of continuity and unprecedented dynamics of change in the country and the world; continuous monitoring of the situation and timely formulation of key personnel management tasks to ensure business sustainability; modern competencies of workers acquired during quarantine and martial law and how to use them in business. Times have changed and you will have to work harder for less money, which is also rapidly losing its value. This is compounded by people's fears for life and health. Therefore, now the most important thing is not to work with all employees, but with department heads. Not all managers will be able to properly talk to their subordinates, identify their motivation, organize work. It is important for business owners to give business leaders the right attitude, understanding of priorities and corporate values that need to be communicated to staff. Clearly state the priorities for the meetings: the importance of job retention, new restrictions, plans to implement new ones and the assistance of employees that management expects in the current situation.


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How to Cite
Zhosan, H., & Kyrychenko, N. (2022). PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONDITIONS OF POST-PANDEMIC AND MILITARY STATE IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (12), 46-51.

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