Keywords: strategy, competitiveness, enterprise, trade, management


The article reveals the main directions of improving the competitiveness strategy of a commercial enterprise. Factors influencing competitiveness are identified: communication policy of rival companies; development of new products and assignment of trade marks and brands; attractiveness and quality of packaging of goods; efficiency and organization of service policy of competing firms; organization of sales of products from rivals (competitors); rationality of channels of promotion of goods at the enterprises-analogues. It is established that the concept of competitiveness practically consists of four groups of factors: technical and economic, commercial, regulatory, social. It was found that competitiveness is influenced by both external (government, market, socio-political) and internal (organizational structure of the enterprise, the factor of product innovation (works, services), product quality (works, services)) factors. It is established that the success or lag of a trading company is assessed by comparing its condition in relation to competing companies. This state is determined by a certain set of product properties and the provision of trade services by the enterprise, due to which a certain competitive advantage is created. In this case, if there are no competitors in the market that provide services for the sale of similar goods, the question of the competitiveness of the trading company is removed automatically. For the purposes of managing the competitiveness of a trading company, it is necessary to combine the chosen competitiveness strategy with the tools of competitiveness management, which should include: - conducting marketing research; - constant monitoring of selected indicators as criteria of competitiveness (assessment of the dynamics of own enterprise for a number of similar periods; comparison of indicators on selected criteria with the reference company, etc.); - measuring and forecasting the demand for goods sold by the trading company (groups of goods); - pricing management, etc. In further research, from general theoretical issues, we turn to the activities of real trading companies, analysis of their methods and techniques of competition.


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How to Cite
Kyrychenko, N., & Zhosan, H. (2021). DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE COMPETITIVENESS STRATEGY OF A TRADING ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (10), 45-50.

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