• Irina Osadchuk State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
  • Natalia Kirichenko State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
  • Svitlana Bolila State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
Keywords: rural development, decentralization of power, social infrastructure, family farming, tourism


Due to certain gaps in the management of rural development, Ukraine has problems with this development. It has been established that the process of reforming local self-government and territorial organization of the authorities in Kherson region has led to the emergence of new problems, including the problems of social infrastructure development that are faced by the majority of the united territorial communities in the rural area Kherson region, including: united community of certain infrastructure objects, imperfect system a territorial location of existing social infrastructure objects, unsatisfactory condition the majority of objects social infrastructure, small assortment and low quality a social services offered, low qualification employees certain branches of social infrastructure, lack of funds for the development social infrastructure and ensuring the effective functioning of its facilities (including - satisfactory working conditions of social workers), insufficient staffing level social security and lack of effective mechanisms to encourage social service providers to constantly improve their quality, lack of community the relevant managerial knowledge and skills, low level of corporate social responsibility, the need to develop a system of effective incentives for future investors, able to invest in the development of community infrastructure, etc. The state labor potential the rural territories of Kherson region is clearly regressive. Much of the heads of the united territorial communities in the Kherson region are working under the threat of gradual transformation of the rural area into a depressed area due to the reduction of natural population growth, increased migration due to high unemployment in the countryside, pollution of the environment, lack of necessary infrastructure or rural economy. activities in the inhabitants of this territory. The root a most of the problems in managing rural development at the micro level is the neglect of local authorities by the so-called management ladder and the focus a entrepreneurs, family farmers, agricultural managers, mostly on achieving high economic performance rather than innovative management methods. Improving the management of rural development is an extremely important task, which can be solved by reviewing the views of local authorities on the principles and purpose of rural management, the role a social infrastructure in the economic life of the community, investment sources in rural development, including through support for the development of family farming and various, even non-traditional, businesses.


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How to Cite
Osadchuk, I., Kirichenko, N., & Bolila, S. (2020). RURAL TERRITORIES MANAGEMENT OF KHERSON REGION IN DECENTRALIZATION CONDITIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 204-212. Retrieved from