In order to develop innovative activities, create a favorable business climate that will attract international investments, which will help to increase the level of competitiveness an enterprises, strengthen their position in the international market of agricultural commodities and improve the efficiency production and economic activity in general, Ukraine has the best in Europe. The transition of the agricultural sector to the innovative path of development will increase the competitiveness Ukrainian agriculture. Using the experience of advanced countries and adapting some models of innovative development an agricultural enterprises and the economy a whole country, will allow domestic agricultural producers to effectively manage production and economic processes, grow high-performance, high-quality and competitive products, improve efficiency, energy and change, manpower and natural resources will help reduce the negative impact on the environment as well will allow successful promotion of its products in foreign and domestic markets. In the article examines practice of other countries which shows that in the process of introducing innovations in the activities agricultural enterprises and modernization the whole economy, the priority role is given to various forms, systems and methods of support. Thus, the most effective levers of stimulating the innovative development an agricultural enterprises, which can be adapted for Ukraine, we generalize to the system of directions, forms and methods for stimulating and supporting the development of agriculture on the basis of the introduction of innovations in their activities. The directions a state support for agricultural enterprises include the regulation a prices certain types of agricultural products; state support for livestock producers; regulation of the state insurance market; government mortgage purchases of agricultural products, credit support for agricultural producers (credit subsidy); deregulation of the agricultural market, prohibition a discrimination against the rights of its owners. The study identifies three forms of state support for agricultural enterprises: direct, not direct and indirect. We also distinguish methods of state support: economic (market pricing of subsidizing agrarian production on an innovative basis, preferential taxation of agricultural enterprises that use progressive technologies in their activities, preferential lending for the introduction an innovations in the activity of enterprises, normalization of production costs and production costs) antitrust regulation, monitoring of compliance with environmental safety requirements, national norms and standards in production and sales, rational use of land resources, implementation in targeted programs of economic social and scientific and technological development).
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