Keywords: digitization, tourist enterprises, social networks, Eurointegration, crisis resilience, development


The article examines the role of digitization in modern tourism development management. The authors explore the impact of digital technologies on the tourism industry and their potential for improving service quality and enhancing competitiveness. Emphasis is placed on a new management paradigm based on the use of digital tools for analysis, planning, and marketing in the tourism sector. The authors provide examples of successful implementations of digital solutions in tourism services and discuss the potential advantages of digitization for tourism development in the future. Specifically, the article analyzes the impact of digitization on booking, routing, and consumption processes in tourism services, considering the increasing use of mobile devices and the internet. Important aspects of digital transformation are examined, such as the implementation of online booking systems, the use of augmented and virtual reality to enhance the tourist experience, and the application of blockchain technologies to ensure security and transparency in tourism transactions. Based on the analysis of various studies and practical examples, the article highlights the perspectives and challenges associated with the implementation of digital innovations in the tourism industry and draws conclusions regarding the further development opportunities of the tourism sector in the context of digital transformation. The article delves into how digitization is reshaping the landscape of tourism management, driving efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. By leveraging digital tools and technologies, tourism stakeholders can gain insights into consumer behavior, tailor experiences, and streamline operations. Furthermore, the integration of augmented and virtual reality offers immersive and interactive experiences for travelers, enhancing engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, blockchain technology ensures trust and security in transactions, fostering a more transparent and accountable tourism ecosystem. Despite the promising prospects of digitalization, challenges such as digital divide, data privacy concerns, and technological infrastructure gaps need to be addressed to fully harness its potential. In conclusion, the article underscores the transformative power of digitization in the tourism industry and underscores the importance of strategic adaptation to capitalize on its benefits while mitigating associated risks.


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How to Cite
Nikitenko, K. (2024). DIGITALIZATION AS A NEW PARADIGM FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 314-320.