Keywords: tourism, archeology, сossacks, history, war, post-war reconstruction


The article examines the impact of armed aggression on the sphere of tourism in Ukraine and provides some indicators of economic activity and their comparative characteristics. An analysis of the directions of the post-war restoration of this sphere in Ukraine proposed by various scientists and representatives of the tourism sphere was carried out. Attention is focused on the emergence of a unique opportunity for archaeological research of layers of Cossack culture and older cultures, which are located on the territory of Zaporizhzhya Siche in Veliko Luza, which was flooded by the waters of the Kahovsky Reservoir in 1955-1957, with the exception of some areas. The article briefly describes such a unique phenomenon of world history as Cossacks, which has no analogues in the history of other states and peoples. Kozachchyna, at one time, was an important factor in the formation of Ukrainian statehood, and today it can become a brand of Ukrainian tourism. The article draws attention to the location of Zaporizhzhya Sich in the context of the modern administrative division of unitary Ukraine. The materials of the article analyze the strategic goals that were tried to be achieved during the construction of the Kakhovsky Reservoir. The work states that the restoration of the Kakhovskaya HPP and, as a result, the reservoir is expedient only after the technical and economic substantiation of this project and the study of the territory of Veliky Lug by archaeologists, historians, hydrologists, biologists and other scientists relevant to this issue. The article draws attention to the possibility of restoring the territory of Veliky Lug without the construction of a hydroelectric power station, which will lead to the restoration of the unique ecosystem of Kherson region, Dnipropetrovsk region, and Zaporizhzhia. Attention was also drawn to the fact that the restoration of Veliky Lug will expand opportunities for comprehensive research of this area by scientists and will significantly increase the volume of scientific information about the Cossack period and the early periods of the history of our country. The work focuses on the need to research this territory, which will lead to the creation of new tourist routes, replenishment of museum collections with new exhibits, and even the creation of new thematic exhibitions and museums that will allow us to identify the place and role of our ancestors in world history.


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How to Cite
Dub, V., Tereshkin, O., & Gorelkov, D. (2024). UNIQUE POSSIBILITIES OF POST-WAR RECOVERY OF TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 304-313. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2024.20.36