• Roman Bazaka Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Alina Shchepaniak Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
  • Oleksandra Kostyna Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: agribusiness, innovation, information technology, food security, agriculture, sustainable development


The modern world is facing a growing number of global challenges, such as climate change, wars, hunger poverty, etc. These factors have a significant impact on agricultural development and threaten the food security of different countries. Food security, along with sustainable socio-economic development, is one of the most important challenges facing humanity today, and these trends are particularly relevant to Ukraine, as, in addition to the problems inherent in all of humanity, our economy has suffered terrible consequences of Russian aggression. Technological innovations and information technologies, which are already an integral part of our lives, can significantly help to solve the problems of the Ukrainian economy. The introduction of information technologies and innovations into agricultural practices will optimize production processes, increase productivity, and reduce costs. The article reviews and summarises the world experience of using information technologies and innovations in agriculture and agribusiness. The article describes some examples of modern information technologies and innovations used in the field of food and food security in the modern world: smart agriculture (a technology that uses sensors, drones, and artificial intelligence to collect data on crops, soil, and weather), digital platforms for food trade, food trackers, mobile applications for farmers, etc. The paper also considers the possibilities of introducing information technologies and innovations in agriculture and agribusiness in Ukraine and formulates several tips and recommendations aimed at restoring and achieving sustainable development of the above-mentioned sectors of the economy in the post-war period. Information technologies and innovations, as well as tools that provide farmers with equal and fair access to financial information platforms and information and logistics capabilities to create sustainable agricultural supply and marketing chains, are crucial for the further development of agribusiness.


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How to Cite
Bazaka, R., Shchepaniak, A., & Kostyna, O. (2024). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIONS AS A FACTOR OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN AGRICULTURE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 221-227.