Keywords: effective leadership, factors of effective leadership, corporate culture, key performance indicators, traditional leadership, transformational leadership, management potential of the company, benchmarking


The article examines the essence of the impact of effective leadership on the formation of corporate culture in modern organizations. Modern approaches to the formation of the paradigm of "effective leadership in the corporate culture system" are generalized. The importance of understanding this paradigm in the context of modern requirements and challenges facing organizations in the globalized world is analyzed. Various approaches to the interaction between leadership qualities and corporate culture are explored in order to ensure effective leadership and create a sustainable organizational environment. It is noted that leadership qualities and management approaches have a significant impact on the creation and preservation of values, norms and practices that characterize corporate culture. The key aspects of the relationship between leadership styles and elements of corporate culture are analyzed, and strategies and methods that contribute to the positive impact of a leader on organizational culture are identified. The study emphasizes the importance of leaders' awareness of their role in shaping and maintaining corporate values and practices to achieve a successful and sustainable organizational culture. It is noted that the growing awareness of the importance of the interaction between effective leadership and corporate culture is becoming a key factor in the formation of an integrated paradigm of "effective leadership in the system of corporate culture". The article stresses the rapid development of theoretical concepts in understanding the impact of leadership on organizational culture and vice versa. It highlights the transition to an integrated paradigm where enterprise management and corporate culture are seen as inseparable components interacting and becoming particularly interdependent in modern conditions.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, I. (2024). THE IMPACT OF EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP ON THE FORMATION OF CORPORATE CULTURE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 241-248.