Keywords: strategy, evolution, concept, strategic management, competitiveness, enterprises


The effectiveness of managing the development of an enterprise largely depends on its clearly formulated strategy, the implementation of which will allow the business entity to take a stable position on the market, provide it with the determination of effective directions in the conduct of financial and economic activities and orientation in emerging opportunities and prospects. A significant part of effectively functioning companies of developed countries implement strategies in their activities. The technological, economic, competitive and socio-cultural changes characteristic of recent years have a great influence on the formation of strategies, therefore they are gradually becoming an integral part of planning the activities of Ukrainian enterprises. The theoretical and methodological basis of this study was made up of the works of domestic and foreign scientists on strategic management and the formation of enterprise strategies. The article defines the need to develop an enterprise strategy as an effective tool for ensuring its competitiveness, presents the evolution of the concept of "strategy". The first scientific schools of design, planning and positioning, the object of research of whose representatives was the theoretical basis of strategy formation, are presented. Concepts for the study of strategy, such as philosophical and organizational-managerial, are presented, and the leading research vectors of the "strategy" category are highlighted for each of them. To determine the essence of the strategy, based on the research of leading scientists, three scientific approaches - classical, conceptual and complex - were distinguished and analyzed. Differences in the definition of the concept and filling in the content of the strategy by scientists in each of the above approaches have been determined. The classical interpretation of the category "strategy" is presented and the basic concepts on which the theory of strategy is based are highlighted. The definition of the concept of "strategy" by domestic and foreign scientists is given and its interpretation is proposed.


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How to Cite
Zheludenko, K. (2024). EVOLUTION OF APPROACHES TO DETERMINING THE ESSENCE OF ENTERPRISE STRATEGIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 48-54. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2024.19.5