Keywords: calculation, cost, drying, thermal technology, apples, chips


The article presents the calculation of the cost of chips from apples obtained by energy-efficient heat technology for the production of dried products. As a result of oversaturation of the market with Ukrainian apples, the problem of their processing and storage arises. Since Ukraine does not have its own industrial production of chips, it is urgent to develop thermal technologies for processing apples into dried products. The purpose of the article is to create an innovative energy-efficient thermal technology for the production of new forms of dried products and to calculate the cost of apple chips obtained by this technology. The article provides an overview of literary sources dedicated to the study of the process of drying apples and their processing into chips. It is noted that chips of foreign manufacturers are offered in the trading network and their cost is significant. The technological scheme of energy-efficient heat technology for the production of dried products is presented. Drying is carried out according to the developed stepwise dehydration regime with the following parameters of the drying agent: temperature - 80/60 °C, speed - 1.5 m/s, moisture content - 10 g/kg of dry air. The main items of expenses that make up the cost of chips are the costs of equipment, the drying process (which is the main part of the technological cycle of production), the cost of raw materials, electricity, water, wages, etc It is possible to reduce the cost of chip production due to the use of multi-zone meters and payment of electricity depending on the time of operation of the equipment. Also, the transition of dryers to a new type of heat generator that runs on pellets or gas will make it possible to roughly reduce the cost of production by 30...40% or more. It is important to process domestic cheap raw materials, which are in excess and deteriorate during storage. The cost of chips is also affected by the addition of flavor fillers and preservatives, which are not used in the proposed thermal technology.


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How to Cite
Husarova, O., Paziuk, V., & Dub, V. (2024). CALCULATION OF THE COST OF APPLE CHIPS OBTAINED USING ENERGY-EFFICIENT HEAT TECHNOLOGY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 39-47.