Keywords: marketing, strategic management, marketing concepts, marketing tools, brand marketing, sustainable development, innovation, concept, digital environment, digital marketing


The object of the article is marketing tools used in the strategic management of a modern organization. The purpose of the research is to analyze the key directions of their development, and the objectives are to identify the main types of marketing tools in strategic management and to consider the possibilities of their application. The article considers trends in the field of marketing for companies, among which the main ones are the development of effective ways to satisfy customers, the formation of their loyalty to the brand, the ability to build clear competitive strategies; the concept of customer orientation and its role for a trade organization is given, as well as examples from foreign practice and the world’s leading developments in the field of artificial intelligence. The article is also aimed at contributing to the definition of the Concept of Sustainable Development and its implementation. This concept is widely used by many modern companies and occupies a central place in the programs of state and non-governmental organizations, as well as enterprises around the world. But the scientific literature in the field of marketing and sustainable development still lacks a detailed and complete explanation of it. The author used such research methods as observation, systematization and generalization of the collected theoretical material, including foreign practice and the world’s leading developments in this field. Marketing with its great knowledge and information informs clients and introduces new ideas that can significantly help expand the development of ideas. Emphasis on social and environmental problems can be given to respect for the skin-related process.


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How to Cite
Larchenko, O. (2023). APPLICATION OF MARKETING CONCEPTS IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 284-292.