Keywords: employer brand, employer branding, labor market, branding strategy, tourist market


The creation of an attractive employer brand by enterprises of the tourism industry requires a detailed study of all its components and their coordination in a single model. The purpose of the study is to systematize the theoretical and methodological aspects and substantiate the practical benefits of creating a powerful employer brand at tourism enterprises. In the course of research, abstract and logical method, methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison, hypothetical and deductive method, sociological method (survey) and modeling have been used. The research is based on the assumption of the duality of the “employer brand” concept, which is firstly a reflection of the set of unique advantages of employment conditions at the enterprise and the maximum realization of these advantages in the work behavior of the personnel; secondly, orientation of the employer’s brand on the internal and external environment of the enterprise; thirdly, a combination of objective and subjective brand evaluation criteria. In the course of study, the stages of actions related to the development and implementation of the employer brand development strategy in the tourism organization have been considered, the tools of external and internal branding, the main functions of the employer brand have been analyzed. Taking into consideration the specificity of the tourist business, the basis for the formation of a competitive employer brand is determined by the variety of communications of the tourist organization. The employer brand assessment methods have been analyzed and an expert survey has been conducted in order to find out the critical “contact points of the employer brand” for the “House of Travel” travel agency. The performed calculations made it possible to determine the actual and forecast the potential level of competitiveness of the employer’s brand. The practical value of the research results is that the suggested measures to improve material incentives in order to achieve maximum loyalty of actual and potential employees, permanent involvement of personnel in communications and visualization of the employer’s brand, regular participation in brand management trainings will allow strengthening competitive positions of the enterprises in the tourism market, increase profitability and gain more trust among various groups of external stakeholders, including potential customers, tour operators, tourism infrastructure entities and, in general, the community population, which will associate the travel agency with a high level of social responsibility of the business.


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How to Cite
Khytra, O., & Kobylianska, A. (2023). EMPLOYER BRAND IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY: BENEFITS OF CREATION, EVALUATION METHODS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 202-217. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.18.23