Keywords: soft skills, social skills, social awareness, social information processing, loyalty, employee, personnel security


The article analyses the impact of social intelligence on staff engagement and loyalty to the company. The survey was conducted on the scientific and pedagogical staff of Poltava State Agrarian University. The purpose of the study was to test the possible connection between social intelligence and personnel security of a higher education institution by interviewing fellow educators. The level of social intelligence was determined by using the TROMSØ test, and loyalty was established by using a model by Nikita Nazarov and Zhang Haoyu. Employee engagement was measured using the Gallup Q12 questionnaire. The scientific and theoretical basis for research was previous work, which demonstrated the connection between social intelligence and a person's patriotism, active citizenship, desire to participate in the political life of the community, and desire to learn and improve. An employee's loyalty to company was fully consistent with these criteria, as it was also based on mental stability, integrity, and appropriate moral and ethical guidelines. An active, conscious, motivated person tries to fulfill to the best ability within the framework of professional activity, respecting and appreciating the opportunity provided by the company. Our research has shown that this assumption is correct. Social intelligence has a significant positive correlation (p=0.01**) with respondents' loyalty to their company. It was similarly influenced by the components of social intelligence, namely social information processing, social skills and social awareness. Another indicator that was studied was staff engagement. It didn’t show a significant relationship with social intelligence, which may be due to the predominant influence of external factors, including HR policy and leadership qualities of management. An adequate HR-policy, the organizational talent and leadership skills of management determine the extent to which employees feel immersed in the company's activities, strive to improve their own work and move in the same direction as their team. Therefore, in further research, we will consider it appropriate to deepen the study of the relationship between social intelligence and loyalty.


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Korauš A., Kaščáková Z., Parová V. and Veselovská S. (2017) Sustainable economic development through human resource management: social intelligence of managers and performance. Journal of security and sustainability issues, vol. 6, pp. 457–477.

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Noviana E., Manafe L.A. (2019) The role of organizational culture to build employee loyalty. International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), vol. 6, pp. 801–813.

Nurjanah D., Indawati N. (2021) Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction with Work-Life Balance as Intervening Variables in the Generation Z in Surabaya. International journal of economics, management, business, and social science, vol. 1, pp. 316–328.

Sanwal T., Sareen P. (2023) Higher Employee Engagement through Social Intelligence: A Perspective of Indian Scenario. Employ Respons Rights J. vol. 35. pp. 111–126.

Silvera D. H., Martinussen M. and Dahl. T. I. (2001) The TROMSØ Social Intelligence Scale, a self-report measure of social intelligence. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, vol. 42, pp. 313–319.

Sun L., Bunchapattanasakda C. (2019) Employee Engagement: A Literature Review. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, vol. 9, pp. 63–80.

Turan, U. (2020) A correlation coefficients analysis on innovative sustainable development groups. EUREKA: Social and Humanities, vol. 1, pp. 46–55.

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