The article presents the economic prerequisites for the creation of a new modern technology for waste-free pumpkin processing. An analysis of existing technologies that do not provide a full cycle of pumpkin processing was carried out. The peculiarity of pumpkin processing is its seasonality, long-term storage and gradual deterioration deteriorates the quality of the raw material, and therefore it is necessary to carry out processing. The developed technology for waste-free processing of pumpkin provides three directions of processing with obtaining: seeds for seed purpose, seeds for food purpose and pumpkin powder. The technology for waste-free pumpkin processing includes the following stages: preparation of raw materials, drying, cooling, grinding and separation (for pumpkin powder), packaging. Technologies for drying seeds and pulp are particularly energy-intensive. The difference of this technology from others also lies in the development of new energy-efficient stage modes of drying seeds and pumpkin. It is indicated that for the processing of pumpkin and seeds for food purpose it is advisable to use the stepwise drying mode of 80/60°С, for the seeds of seed purpose, the stepwise drying mode of 60/40°С. Two-zone tunnel dryers are provided for the implementation of stepwise drying modes in the technological lines. In the first zone of the tunnel dryer, the temperature of the drying agent is higher, which creates conditions for accelerating the heat and mass transfer process. In the second zone of the tunnel dryer, the temperature of the drying agent decreases, which is related to the quality requirements for the material. The calculation of technical and economic indicators of pumpkin processing was carried out on three technological lines of different productivity. An important component of costs when designing a processing line is the cost of technological equipment, raw materials, fuel and electricity. Fuel (gas) consumption can be reduced if you additionally install a heat pump to heat the drying agent when drying raw materials. The production cost of pumpkin powder and seeds is significantly reduced in a line with higher productivity.
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