Keywords: retail, marketing, marketing mix, digital marketing tools, innovative technologies


The aim of the research was to study the experience of marketing activities based on the example of a leading leader in the one dollar store retail format and to generalize the marketing support of retail enterprises in the face of current challenges and threats. The object of the study was the theoretical and methodological justification and applied aspects of the development process of enterprises in the trading sphere using marketing tools. The following methods were used to achieve the set goals: monographic analysis, synthesis, abstract-logical analysis, theoretical generalization and comparison, content analysis, structural-logical analysis, surveys and expert evaluations, as well as personal observations. These methods allowed for the systematization and analysis of existing experience in marketing activities, conducting a comparative analysis of various aspects of the development of retail enterprises in the trading sphere, and drawing conclusions regarding effective marketing practices. The article substantiates the necessity of business development in the trading sphere from a marketing perspective, using innovative technologies in the face of challenges and threats in a turbulent environment. The main aspects of marketing activities of a leading retail company on the domestic market are discussed. The tools of the marketing mix used by the retail network to achieve set goals, gain competitive advantages, and maintain competitive positions are characterized. It is noted that digital marketing tools are an important factor in shaping consumer preference for the company. The merger of offline and online sales in a unified ecosystem and the use of omnichannel marketing strategy are highlighted as ways to expand the customer base and increase the volume of goods sold. An assessment of the marketing efforts of the retail network based on the results of work in the current conditions of the domestic market is provided. Emphasis is placed on the need to use innovative technologies such as ESL (Electronic Shelf Labels) and integrated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems to automate operations at all levels of the retail network, increase company profits, and ensure its stable development.


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How to Cite
Bolila, S. (2023). MARKETING ASPECTS OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES IN THE RETAIL INDUSTRY IN MODERN REALITIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 100-107.