Keywords: social intelligence, soft skills, social competences, social skills, social awareness


The article considers the possibility of interaction between personal social intelligence and motivation to self-development and mastering soft-skills. The analysis of research on this issue by other authors and the influence of social intelligence on the desire of students to master soft-skills is carried out. A variety of approaches to defining social intelligence demonstrates the ambiguity of its structure and functions. The TROMSØ test, which includes 21 questions and is considered to be one of the most convenient assessment methods among similar systems, is used to determine the development of social competencies of students. It was developed by a team of Norwegian researchers who aimed to develop a rapid assessment method of social intelligence. In parallel, we identified the interest of first-year economics students to the additional skills included in the soft-skills category by diagnosing their understanding of the necessity for these skills. We found out whether they consider it is appropriate to learn soft-skills and whether they are confident that these skills will be useful for them in the future. This is an important component of the educational process, as studies of the European labour market show that employers are interested in the development of soft-skills of their employees. Consequently, the motivation of students for self-development is an important prerequisite for their future success. The aim of the experiment was to find out the level of motivation of first-year students to further master soft-skills in the context of providing them with quality educational services. We also found out the average indicators of students' social intelligence development in three main areas: social information processing, social skills, and social awareness. The working concept was the assumption that the management of students' social intelligence is an important factor influencing the formation of soft-skills among university applicants. The indicators of students’ social intelligence, as well as their motivation to learn soft-skills were studied and analysed during the experiment.


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