Keywords: attractor, bifurcation, emergence, entropy, merger and acquisition, integration synergism, coherence, self-organization, fluctuation


The purpose of the study is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the effect of integration synergy as an important criterion for the expediency of merger or acquisition agreements. The research has been carried out using the methods of logical, hypothetical, deductive and systemic approaches, as well as the theory of self-organization of complex systems. The author’s interpretation of the concept of “integration synergism” has been formulated in the article. A structural and logical model of the integration process based on synergy has been formed. The point of view that integration processes are initiated under the influence of multidirectional fluctuating factors, the growth of which is associated with changes in the market situation, political and social instability, environmental threats has been substantiated. The decision to enter into merger /acquisition agreements has been suggested to be a bifurcation point, the passage of which leads to a radical change in the structure of the economic system and the nature of its interaction with the external environment. We believe that as a result of the bifurcation transition, the system falls into the zone of attraction of a certain attractor which is a new mission, strategic goal, corporate values and standards of activity. Due to the conclusion of a merger /acquisition agreement, the level of entropy decreases due to the entry into the system of new knowledge, competences, information, as well as investments and innovative approaches to doing business. At the same time, it is appropriate to predict the risk of negative synergism, which is explained by incompatibility in the technological sphere, loss of flexibility, high level of conflict, asymmetry of benefits for participants. In the integration processes, signs of both self-organization (spontaneous emergence of an optimal spatio-temporal combination of productive forces, production factors, strategic business zones) and organizing influence (legislative norms, general trends of market dynamics, expected reaction of stakeholders) have been highlighted. Ensuring coherence which is consistency of commercial interests, complimentarily of resources, joint vision of prospects for the development of an integrated business structure is important for achieving synergistic effects. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of merger /acquisition agreements due to the balanced use of synergistic management tools during the adoption of strategic decisions about integration, as well as in the subsequent stages of the evolution of the combined company as a complex socio-economic system.


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