• Yana Katsemir Kherson State agrarian and economic university
Keywords: cultural tourism, religious tourism, pilgrimage, socio-economic development, cultural heritage


The article considers the directions and role of religious tourism. The author analyzes the peculiarities of the accommodation of pilgrims who profess different religions. The author of the article believes that the centers of religions and holy places are of special interest in attracting pilgrims and religious tourists. Visiting such places can be due to various holidays, religious acts, festivals that take place at certain times of the year. The definitions of religious tourism and types of religious trips are considered, on the basis of which it is concluded that modern travel (and religious, not an exception) is directly related to the need to provide tourists with various services, vital of which are: food, transport, paperwork. The author also concludes that understanding, knowledge and use of tourist motives in travel for religious purposes can be the key to successful promotion and popularization of this tourist destination. Every year the number of tourists who want to visit the spiritual and holy places of our country increases with a significant increase of 10–15% annually. This is due to both religious motives and tourist interest. But if before tourists were ready to sleep in dormitories in large halls of temples and monasteries, taking part in hiking, now tourists need much more comfort: double rooms with a full range of amenities. And this in turn creates the preconditions for sustainable development of the tourism industry of Ukraine as a whole. It should be noted that such a phenomenon as trips to worship holy places is gaining strength today both among church members and among secular representatives. Theoretically and in practice, it is noted that there is a certain fashion for pilgrimage. Thus, it can be argued that in Ukraine a segment of the pilgrimage tourism market has been formed and is showing growth trends.


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How to Cite
Katsemir, Y. (2022). FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF THE MODERN DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGIOUS PILGRIMAGE TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (11), 46-51.