Keywords: protection, human resources, country of origin, country of destination, mobility, vocational education, transit, labormigration, personnel reserve, social security


The article analyses the state of labor migration in Ukraine on the basis of statistical data of public authorities. It is determined that the system of vocational education is one of the links in the process of regulating migration flows. The concept of migration policy should be in the plane of interdepartmental cooperation and take into account not only the specifics of labor migration, but also be part of the strategy of the labor market and educational services. The focus is on the demographic problem of mass migration of workers from regions and industries affected by the economic depression, as these problems can worsen the situation of the population. Migration not only harms the economy, but also leads to age-related changes in population structure, birth rate, as it separates couples by state borders, reducing the motivation to have children. Labor migration is a risk of increasing morbidity and mortality in countries of origin, as inadequate medical and social security has a negative impact on migrants' health and increases their infection. It has been established that labor migration not only has a negative impact, but can also be useful. But the benefits depend to a large extent on the political system in the countries of origin and destination of labor migration, as well as on bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation between them. The main positions on the program to ensure fair migration and outlined ways to slow down the process of labor migration and improve the situation for the preservation, formation and development of human resources in Ukraine. The main ways to solve the problems of labor migration are identified, ways to improve the situation regarding the preservation of human resources and the formation of the country's personnel reserve are outlined.


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How to Cite
Chernenko, N. (2021). ECONOMIC AND DEMOGRAPHIC IMPACT OF LABOR MIGRATION ON THE COUNTRY’S POTENTIAL. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (10), 109-116.