Keywords: information technologies, managerial decisions, integrated system, modelling, management system, small business


The article shows that the process of strategic management in a small enterprise is unformalized and most often proceeds in the knowledge of the head of the enterprise on the background of the flow of other tasks. It is proved that the actual task is to create an information system of management decisions, which on the basis of planning the financial condition of the small enterprise could advise the head of how to properly dispose of funds. A new approach to solve the problem of creating mechanisms and tools to support the investment decision-making process in small businesses based on the procedure of situational analysis of the market as a complex socio-economic system in conditions of uncertainty has been developed. The simulation model of the management system as the most important element of the decision support system, which determines the effectiveness of the decision. The study is based on the integration of the paradigm of multi-agent systems as a management system model, built with inductive judgments of agents and fuzzy logic inference tools for processing uncertain information. It is analyzed that within the framework of the creation of such information products it is reasonable to justify the use of some elements of the socialization of business processes to create applications that would be not only convenient and useful, that is, effective tools. In addition, based on the accumulation of data and data from statistical databases, the system should be able to conduct a summary analysis of the industry, which increases the decision-making tools for potential investors and managers. The presented approach increases the validity of applied management decisions based on the methodology of multi-agent programming, fuzzy logic inference procedure and decision-making under uncertainty. It is proved that the use of fuzzy logic methods of processing fuzzy information and the formation of fuzzy logical conclusions in the decision support system circuit can be considered promising for the evaluation of situational strategies and the development of effective management decisions.


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How to Cite
Loboda, O., & Khudik, N. (2021). APPLICATION OF SIMULATION MODEL A DECISION-MAKING SYSTEM IN SMALL BUSINESS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (9), 126-134.