• Oleksandr Kamushkov Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
  • Viktoriia Tkach Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
  • Viktoriia Yazina University of Customs and Finance
Keywords: atmospheric marketing, emotional marketing, impression economy, hotel and restaurant industry, impression marketing, service


The article deals with the emergence of a new economic direction - the economy of impressions. Its influence on the modern development of the Ukrainian economy. The essence of the concept "economy of impressions" is determined. The main aspects of the economy of impressions are analyzed. Highlighted the concept of "experience economy" in the hotel and restaurant industry and its impact on the hospitality industry. The preconditions for the development of the impression economy as a modern stage of social production are considered. The essence of final and intermediate services in the field of hospitality and its final product is determined. The logistics chains of the hospitality sphere, which form the product of hospitality, are studied and examples of their existence are given. The article raises the issue of a sharp increase in competition in the market of hotel and restaurant industry, which necessitated the search for modern and unique approaches to attracting new and retaining regular visitors. The essence of the concept of «impression economy», prerequisites for its emergence, tasks and tools of influence are considered. The differences between a restaurant-oriented enterprises and a customer-oriented enterprises are revealed. There are groups of motives for choosing a restaurant or hotel. The dynamics of Kyiv restaurants for the last 5 years is analyzed. The characteristics which are inherent in service, that focused on visitors, are considered. Factors influencing the level of visitors satisfaction are analyzed. Possible ways to modernize the marketing strategy through the concept of «impression economy» are highlighted. Impression economics is an approach to production and the promotion of a good or service based not to meet a specific need, and to create a positive impression of both production and promotion, and from the receipt of goods or services, as well as from the subsequent sensations, received by the consumer of goods or services. In modern conditions market trends economy of goods and services receded into the background. She was replaced impression economy, in which not just the sale of goods and services in order to satisfy customer needs, and the promotion of goods or services in the market with the emotions that arise in in connection with the interaction with this product or service. Impression economics is an approach to production and the promotion of a good or service based not to meet a specific need, and to create a positive impression of both production and promotion, and from the receipt of goods or services, as well as from the subsequent sensations, received by the consumer of goods or services.


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How to Cite
Kamushkov, O., Tkach, V., & Yazina, V. (2021). ECONOMICS OF IMPRESSIONS IN THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SPHERE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 34-42.