• Natalіa Kirichenko State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
  • Irina Osadchuk State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
  • Svitlana Bolila State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
Keywords: innovation, innovation process, agro-formation, agro-innovation, innovative development


The development of agro-industrial production and the growth of competition motivate agricultural enterprises of Ukraine to introduce new and improvement existing tools and objects of labor, production technologies, its organization and management (namely innovations) in order to achieve greater economic and social effect. Problems with introduction of innovations have become quite popular among many domestic and foreign scientists. The need to conduct innovative searches and incorporate their results into the activities of agrarian enterprises is a great importance for comprehending the entire diversity of the innovation process in the agro-industrial sector. The purpose of the article is to identify the main constraints and effective measures to stimulate the implementation of innovations by agro-formations. The methodological basis of the research was the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, and legislative and regulatory documents of Ukraine concerning innovative activity were also used. The methodological basis of the study was the general scientific economic methods. The article considers innovation as an economic category, which is the key to scientific and technological progress and the most important factor in the development of agricultural enterprises. There are 4 groups of innovations in the subject and sphere of use in the agroindustrial complex: organizational – managerial and economic, breeding – genetic, social – ecological and technical – technological and industrial. The classification of innovations in the activities of agricultural enterprises is proposed to be considered in the light of industry peculiarities. The study found that at present, most agricultural companies are clearly aware of the feasibility of attracting innovation, as a major factor in improving production efficiency and the ability to enter the domestic and foreign markets with high-tech, more profitable and competitive products. But despite this, the vast majority of agricultural companies are not able to attract large-scale innovative products, implement strategic state projects or dramatically change the production process. Therefore, the authors propose effective ways that will stimulate and encourage the introduction of innovations by agro-formations and will eliminate a number of negative factors that impede their implementation.


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How to Cite
Kirichenko, N., Osadchuk, I., & Bolila, S. (2020). DETERMINATION OF CONTROLLING FACTORS AND WAYS TO ENCOURAGE AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION IMPLEMENTATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 117-123. Retrieved from