Keywords: utility, consumer utility, consumer appeal, tourism product, consumer characteristics of tourist product


A tourist product as a product is determined by consumer utility, that is, the ability to satisfy certain recreational needs of people. The usefulness of a tourism product is determined by its value to the subject. Therefore, enterprises involved in the organization of travel should create such a tourism product that would be valuable to as many people as possible. Then you can count on mass consumption. The aim of the work is to study the essence of the usefulness of a tourism product, to determine the factors that determine the usefulness of a tourism product, and to establish the impact of utility on increasing the consumer attractiveness of a tourism product. The following methods were used for the study: comparison and peer review methods (for the study of the consumer utility and attractiveness of the tourist product); graphical and tabular method; methods for determining average and relative indicators. The information base of the research is legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine, materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, periodicals, official reports and analytical publications of leading international economic organizations, materials of national and international conferences, information of the Internet, author's own research. The attractiveness of a tourism product is a system of factors in the production and sale of tourism products and services. In the current conditions of the functioning of tourism enterprises with a developed network of tourism markets and a large number of companies represented at them, the main direction of tourism enterprises is to create the attractiveness of a tourism product, which is manifested in its ultimate goal - to expand the flow of tourists, profit and ensuring the competitiveness of tourism products developed. This characterizes the sustainability of the tourism enterprise. The consumer usefulness of a tourism product is the ability of a tourism product to satisfy a human need. It is based on the internal properties of the object and on the needs of the person, which are determined by the objective biological properties of the body, correlated with the objective conditions of the surrounding world, passed through the cultural context, and differences in individual preferences. Guided by the methodological foundations of the process of formation of consumer attractiveness of tourism products, we note that the presented research procedure allows tourism enterprises: - carry out research on consumer characteristics of tourism products regardless of the type of tourism and the purpose of travel; - assess the degree of influence of processes on compliance with the level of customer satisfaction with tourism products; - to formulate decisions aimed at improving the consumer characteristics of the tourism product in key areas of consumer utility formation; - reduce the so-called distance between the expected and obtained consumer properties of the tourism product.


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How to Cite
Katsemir, Y. (2020). USEFULNESS OF SERVICES AS ONE OF THE KEY COMPONENTS OF THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF A TOURIST PRODUCT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 110-116. Retrieved from