Keywords: reproduction, production reproduction, accounting and analytical support, fixed assets, depreciation, amortization policy, sources of investments


The article deals with scientific and methodological approaches to the process of production reproduction as an object of accounting and analytical support, which is accompanied by constant updating of all factors of production: means of labor, labor and natural resources. Accounting and analytical information should disclose quantitative and qualitative components of industrial relations in the reproduction process of agricultural enterprises, taking into account the variability of the environment in which they operate. Reproduction of fixed assets that provide the production process is one of the most important components of the overall reproduction process. An important place to ensure this process is the depreciation and amortization policy of the enterprise, the financial management mechanism of which must be clearly worked out both by the owner and by public authorities. The most important components of the overall process of reproduction are identified, in which non-current assets are assigned one of the main places and depreciation is considered as a real financial source of investment. Choosing the method of depreciation, the company takes into account a number of factors – useful life, the expected size of products (works, services), the amount of liquidation value, the rate of inflation and scientific and technological progress. Therefore, to reduce the impact of these factors when choosing a method of depreciation, you must use one of the heuristic ways of economic analysis - a method of expert judgment, which is based on rational argumentation of decisions and intuition of experts. When choosing the optimal method of depreciation should take into account the economically feasible term of use of fixed assets, which provides the maximum accumulation of funds for their reproduction due to depreciation, taking into account the performed repair work. There is an urgent need to restore the investment role of depreciation as a major financial resource for the reproduction of fixed capital in the agricultural sector of the economy. In order to give the depreciation policy some flexibility, better, more accurate depreciation, the depreciation process must be constantly evolving.


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How to Cite
Skrypnyk, S. (2020). ACCOUNTING-ANALYTICAL ASPECTS OF THE PRODUCTION REPRODUCTION PROCESS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 253-259. Retrieved from