• Olena Volska State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
Keywords: human resources, personnel, public authorities, public service, four stages of solving human resources problems, effectiveness of human resources


The article defines the theoretical and practical results of the study of problems of public authorities. The basic problems of effective staffing of public authorities by means of theoretical studies of the basics of personnel policy of public authorities and local self-government are considered: the insignificant role of the personnel services of public authorities in the formation of training programs and plans of advanced training courses, the readiness of their employees to perform qualitatively new functions and tasks; unsolved problem with customers for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in public administration and local self-government; lack of a regulatory system for monitoring the study of the needs of public servants in vocational training and monitoring of the needs of public authorities in skilled workers; insufficient level of practical training of graduates of the specialty "Public Administration and Administration". Staffing is an important component of the socio-economic development of the state, because the activation and professionalism of managerial personnel in the system of state power, the active use of staffing potential will have a positive impact on the development of social and economic sphere. In order to achieve these important goals, the state forms personnel policy in public authorities at the macro level, as well as at the mezzo level, mainly in local self-government bodies. The symbiosis of these levels will lead to the effective implementation of the functions of the state. The result of effective staffing is quality provision (production) of public service. Public service – a service provided by public authorities to meet the needs of a person, collective, society. The paper proposes four steps necessary for providing high-quality personnel of public authorities: 1) training of professional management personnel in specialized universities, 2) recruitment through statutory procedures, 3) activities of public servants to provide public services through the assessment of human resources; 4) assessment of the effectiveness of staffing of public authorities.


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How to Cite
Volska, O. (2020). STAFFING OF THE AUTHORITIES: PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 186-193. Retrieved from