• Olha Petrova State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University”
Keywords: water resources, irrigation, water supply, water use, water management complex of the region


The article deals with the issues of forming an effective mechanism for the organization and management of the functioning of the water management complex in the region in the irrigation zone. With the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the transition of Ukraine's economy to the innovative basis, the complication of production and economic activity in the agrarian sector, the importance of water resources is constantly increasing. This concerns the provision of high-quality drinking water for settlements, water supply for industrial and social facilities, the preservation of surface and underground water sources, and the restoration of water resources. One of the largest consumers of water is agrarian production. The problem of optimization of water use in order to meet current and future needs in water of agricultural enterprises has become particularly relevant. Ukraine belongs to countries where irrigation is one of the decisive factors in the general state of agricultural production, its export and the provision of food security of the state. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodical principles of forming an organizational and economic mechanism for the efficient use of water resources in the agriculture of the regions, in the economy of which water resources play a decisive role. Analysis of water use by territorial and industry criteria was carried out. Areas of the agricultural complex of agriculture of the region in the irrigation zone are considered. The identification of the components, structure, economic relations and processes in the water management complex of agriculture was carried out. The definition of VGK as an object of management allows to take into account the role of each of its elements in the overall efficiency of water supply and water use, the effects of managerial, environmental and economic decisions for the overall effective development of agricultural production. An important objective and condition for the effective management of water resources in agriculture in the conditions of intensive merging is the transition to quantitative characteristics of structural elements of the WGC: parameters of direct quantification of water resources; economic indicators of water use; industrial-technical and environmental indicators, social characteristics.


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How to Cite
Petrova, O. (2020). PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT COMPLEX OF THE SOUTHERN REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 177-185. Retrieved from