Keywords: crowdfunding, crowdfunding platform, backers, donors


A key issue addressed in this study was crowdfunding, a new phenomenon for domestic practice that links the efforts of people who voluntarily pool their money or other resources together using the Internet to support the ideas of others or businesses. . Public funding achieves different goals - disaster relief, support from fans or fans, support for political campaigns, financing start-ups and youth entrepreneurship, creating free software and more. The study examines the economic nature of crowdfunding, identifies the subjects of crowdfunding operations, its forms, which involve the use of financial resources by those interested in the results of the project by means of a specialized crowdfunding platform, formulated the benefits of using in modern society. The emergence of crowdfunding is driven by the broader ability of the enterprise to obtain financing for its own projects through specialized platforms. Crowfunding has emerged at the intersection of marketing, innovation, transaction cost theory, has emerged and met the needs of members of the public in opportunities to invest personal resources in various projects. The survey highlighted six key features of online crowdfunding that make it an effective, innovative way of financing projects. Comparative characteristics of major crowdfunding platforms in Ukraine have been made. During the survey, an online sociological survey was conducted which provided an opportunity to analyze information about the awareness of Ukrainians about the opportunities provided by crowdfunding. The most popular areas of crowdfunding and its priority areas are identified. The number of crowdfunding platforms in the world is analyzed. The low level of crowdfunding in Ukraine is driven by the demographic situation in the country, the low confidence level of the population, the relatively weak spread of e-commerce and the almost complete absence of a regulatory framework. However, crowdfunding in Ukraine as a financing model shows steady growth. The number of platforms is steadily increasing, the total fees of Ukrainian crowdfunding services are increasing year by year, people are becoming more and more loyal to this method of raising funds. The modern market for traditional investing has a certain financial threshold, crowdfunding removes this restriction for the potential investor and allows the authors of ideas to get around the conservatism of the investment market and implement the most daring projects.


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How to Cite
Petrenko, V., & Karnaushenko, A. (2020). CONCEPTS OF CRAUDFUNDING AND ITS ROLE IN NATIONAL ECONOMY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 140-150. Retrieved from