Keywords: organizational innovation, organizational change, technical innovation, principles, methods


The key problem of the current stage of economic development is the choice of ways and mechanisms of adaptation and development of enterprises aimed at the formation of economic growth of individual business entities and the country as a whole. The great interest in this issue in the domestic economy is largely due to the positive results and striking examples of the introduction of innovative processes in the activities of Western companies. As a result, there was a judgment according to which an increase in the scale of innovative activity is a determining condition for the effective functioning of any enterprise or a more complex economic system. Innovation is the basis for the continued existence and development of industrial enterprises, and also provides an opportunity to increase competitive advantages. The modern competitive advantages of enterprises increasingly depend not on the degree of ownership of capital resources and material values, but on the ability of employees to develop and introduce innovations, which leads to an expanded attraction of investments in intellectual capital and is the basis for economic growth based on scientific and technological progress. The purpose of the work is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the formation of an innovative enterprise development program. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is the scientific works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the study of innovative processes in enterprises, as well as legislative acts and regulatory documents of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine and legislative documents. For research the following methods were used: system-structural and terminological analysis; methods of comparison and reviewing. The information base of the research is legislative and normative acts of Ukraine, materials of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, periodicals, official reports and analytical publications of leading international economic organizations, materials of national and international conferences, information on the Internet, own copyright study. The development of the economy of the country is related to the level of innovation activity of each firm, since the introduction of innovation is a major factor in ensuring innovation activity and efficient activity of both individual enterprises and the national economy. At the enterprise, the innovation process is implemented in cross section of different innovation programs, within each of which innovative projects are developed and plans for their implementation are formed. In a dynamic external and internal environment of the company, the role and importance of organizational innovations increases significantly. The process of creating and implementing organizational innovation must be continuous. To ensure the continuous use of organizational innovations, it is necessary to apply strategic, mid-term and ongoing planning mechanisms in all areas of the company's activity that generate innovation needs of this type.


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How to Cite
Katsemir, Y. (2020). INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT IN DIFFERENT COMPANY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (2), 112-118. Retrieved from