Keywords: trademark, restaurant, hotel, cafe, diagnosis, strategy, management, service area, marketing, project


In connection with the complication of crisis phenomena and the unstable economic situation in Ukraine, the main task for restaurant business enterprises is to forecast their future state, choose the optimal strategy and effectively control the level of possible risks. Among the important conditions of strategic management of the enterprise, the instability of the external environment stands out, where a high level of uncertainty makes it difficult to make the right choice of strategic decisions, as well as a lack of confidence in achieving success for enterprises in the restaurant sector. Businesses seek to develop a strategy, which is a master plan for securing financial resources and their optimal use. This strategy combines the theory and practice of planning and managing financial resources, contributing to the financial stability of the enterprise. In the conditions of the economic crisis, strengthening financial stability through strategic management and the use of internal and external mechanisms becomes a decisive factor for the successful operation of enterprises and the national economy as a whole. Brand management in the service industry includes a number of strategic and tactical steps to ensure business success. The main aspects of management in this area may include the development of long-term goals and strategies for the development of the brand according to the needs of the target audience and the competitive environment. The next step involves creating and maintaining a unique brand image that attracts the attention of customers and makes it recognizable in the service market, to attract new customers and retain existing ones, you need to use marketing elements. Quality of service ensures high quality of customer service, which includes staff training, creation of service standards and implementation of quality control systems. Considering the field of public catering as a restaurant business, its main goal is to meet the needs of consuming healthy and tasty food while making a profit. From an entrepreneurial point of view, the restaurant business performs the following functions: unity of production and circulation; creation of a large labor market;profitable direction of capital investment.


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How to Cite
Sydoruk, S., & Onishchuk, M. (2024). MANAGEMENT OF STRATEGIC ACTIVITIES OF THE TRADEMARK IN THE FIELD OF SERVICE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 286-291.