Keywords: financial resources, business entity, structure, classification, formation process, efficiency


The article examines the economic essence of financial resources as the material basis of business entities. In the process of economic activity, financial resources ensure the continuity of economic operations. The process of formation of financial resources is the main element of financial management of a business entity. When considering the financial resources of business entities, it should be noted that they are: an object of financial management, a source of income and risk, as well as a source of debt repayment to the financial system. Classification requirements should be based on quantitative or qualitative characteristics, or on their symbiosis. In theory and practice, there are a large number of classification features that group financial resources into groups: by origin; formation stages; types of economic activity; terms of use, etc. Each economic entity has its own peculiarities regarding the structure and process of forming not only liabilities and assets, but also its financial resources. First of all, it depends on what stage of the life cycle the business entity is in, in which sector of the economy it works, etc. The formed financial resources of the business entity are the basis of its financial and economic stability. This process is influenced by both internal and external determinants. To build an optimal structure, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate: the sources of their formation; assets; efficiency of their use; profitability. Qualitative assessment of the company's financial resources can be carried out using classic methods of economic activity analysis; classical methods of financial analysis; methods of economic and mathematical statistics; econometric methods. The profitability of entrepreneurial activity depends on the effective structure of financial resources. A large number of both internal and external factors influence the process of forming the optimal structure of financial resources of a business entity. The directions of optimizing the structure of financial resources can be combined into certain blocks related to the process of their formation, namely: economic, financial, organizational and technical, auxiliary and functional blocks.


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How to Cite
Kovalov, V., & Astashow, D. (2024). THE PROCESS OF FORMATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF THE BUSINESS ENTITY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 199-207.