Keywords: сlassification, general economic equilibrium, applied general equilibrium, computable general equilibrium, dynamic stochastic general equilibrium


The article examines the possibilities and limitations of empirical models of general economic equilibrium and makes their classification. Computable general equilibrium models are divided into two groups: the first group is based on the equilibrium price model (G. Scarf's approach), the second is based on a multi-sectoral model of economic growth (L. Johansen's approach). Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models are also divided into two groups: the first group is based on the model of the real business cycle (the approach of F. Kydland and E. Prescott), the second is based on the model of various behavior of firms in conditions monopolistic competition (the approach of J. Rotemberg and M. Woodford). Within each group, empirical models were studied according to the following criteria: the scale of the economy, its openness; application for current and future assessments; socio-economic phenomenon under study.


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How to Cite
Bilousova, T. (2024). GENERAL ECONOMIC EQUILIBRIUM MODELS . Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (20), 38-42.