Keywords: International Visegrad Fund, Visegrad Four, Visegrad Fund grants, grants for regional cooperation projects


The article examines in detail the grant opportunities of the International Visegrad Fund to stimulate regional cooperation. The study demonstrates the goals and priorities of the donor institution in supporting cooperation projects of Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. It is emphasized that the Fund provides financing for various activities in all spheres of life: from small cross-border projects aimed at improving mutual understanding in border areas to multilateral initiatives that can benefit people throughout the region. It was demonstrated that the donor institution supports projects under four programs: "Mini-grants V4 Gen", "Visegrad grants", "Visegrad+ grants", "Strategic grants". The article analyzes 2 programs that are relevant for Ukraine: "Visegrad+ grants" and "Mini-grants V4 Gen". The conditions of grant programs were analyzed and the peculiarities of participation in the fund's grant contests were identified for organizations from Ukraine. On the basis of the analyzed tender documentation, a number of recommendations were formed for representatives of public organizations, which will be useful to them during the preparation of project proposals and applications for the tender. Namely: it is necessary to establish contact with the partner organization and discuss a joint project implementation plan; to plan one's own contribution in the form of monetary and non-monetary resources; submit a project idea and wait for the grantor's response; take into account the waves of the competition for 2024 with deadlines; fill out the entire application form; expect results; in case of a positive decision, to confirm and sign the grant agreement, to start the implementation of the project; if the project does not receive support, seek feedback and consider revising or modifying the idea for a new submission. It was concluded that "V4 Gen Mini-Grants" are designed to promote democratic values, civic participation and cross-border dialogue among young people, and the pilot project in 2024 supports short-term youth mobility in Ukraine as well. The "Visegrad+ grants" program is available to Ukrainian organizations on more loyal terms.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2024). GRANTS FROM THE INTERNATIONAL VISEGRAD FUND TO SUPPORT REGIONAL COOPERATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 274-281.