Keywords: management, digital transformation, leadership, leadership qualities, strategic planning, innovation, economy


Studying the peculiarities of digital transformation in contemporary management is considered in the article. As modern management in enterprises and organizations undergoes fundamental changes due to the rapid development of technologies, the speed of digital transformation has become a key element defining the competitiveness and success of companies in today’s global business environment. The article represents research on the role of digital transformation in modern management, focusing on strategic, leadership, and cultural aspects that determine the success of technology implementation in enterprises. Strategic planning in the context of digital transformation sets the direction for the company’s development, considering technological opportunities and market requirements. The ability to adapt to new digital solutions and use them to achieve strategic goals becomes critical for an enterprise. Considerable attention is given to the study of the phenomenon and characteristics of leadership in contemporary management, particularly emphasizing the study of improving leadership through modern digital opportunities and tools. It is noted that leadership in the context of digital transformation requires leadership not only with technical expertise but also the ability to thoughtfully implement changes, mobilize a team, and influence organizational culture. The impact of leadership on the success of digital transformation is analyzed, and key leadership qualities aimed at supporting digital development are identified. The main challenges arising during the implementation of digital technologies are outlined, such as insufficient qualifications and knowledge, disconnect between technologies and strategy, lack of flexibility and speed of reaction, the danger of cyber attacks, and cultural change. The relationship between organizational culture and the results of digital transformation is explored, and recommendations for forming and supporting a digital-oriented culture in the organization are formulated. These recommendations include becoming a successful innovative leader supporting an innovative culture, ensuring flexibility in work processes, launching digital initiatives to simplify communication, and implementing a clear digitalization strategy aligned with the company’s mission and goals.


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How to Cite
Bazaka, R., & YefremovА. (2024). LEADERSHIP IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF MANAGEMENT AND BUILDING THE ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE OF THE ENTERPRISE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (19), 202-207. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2024.19.24